The Alexandria Metadata Convention

In order to upload data with metadata to Alexandria, your metadata must conform to the Alexandria Metadata Convention. For upload through the alignment pipeline, this metadata should be included within your Alexandria Sheet which should include any metadata that can be applied to all cells in a single sample.

For direct upload from Single Cell Portal formatted file types, these metadata should be included in the metadata file, referred to in this description as the ‘cell-level metadata file’. In your cell-level metadata file, each attribute name in the metadata can be a column name. To enforce some structure to the database, several fields are required and others require specific formatting guidelines. Users are encouraged to include as much metadata as possible, including metadata attributes which are the same for all samples in the study (ex. sequencing technology) as they will be important to users comparing data between studies.

Metadata categories

The Alexandria Metadata Convention contains 4 categories of structured metadata as follows:

Ontology-valued metadata

Examples: disease, species, organ

To allow query at varying levels of specificities, the Alexandria Metadata Convention uses ontology-valued metadata whenever possible. These ontologies are tree-structured heirarchies curated by experts and maintained by EBI. For the purposes of the Alexandria Metadata Convention, please select the most specific value in the heirarchy as possible. For use of this metadata during query of the Alexandria database, a query result will include all child values of the query term. Single Cell Portal treats these values as group, or categorical variables.

Navigating ontologies to manually annotate your metadata: The EBI OLS (ontology lookup service) provides an interface as well as an API to explore these ontologies which may be useful in preparing your metadata. The API is documented here, and the API endpoints for a given ontology are found in the ontology column in the AMC spreadsheet. The graphical interface can be accessed through the same URL with api substituted with ols (ex. Because some ontologies include more areas than are covered by Alexandria, we have specified a root for some ontologies, specified in the ontology_root column of the AMC spreadsheet. Entries in Alexandria metadata should come from below that root in the ontology tree. To visit the page described by the root use the URL:<ontology name>/terms?<alexandria ontology root>. For example, for the species attribute, from the NCBITaxon ontology with root NCBITaxon_2759 can be accessed using the URL

Formatting ontology-valued metadata in the metadata file: In the Alexandria Metadata Convention, two columns should be included for each ontology-valued metadata entry. The first, named <metadata attribute> contains the ontology ID in the structure <ontology name>_<numeric ID> or <ontology name>:<numeric ID>. The second column, <metadata attribute>__ontology_label, should contain the human-readable label for the ontology ID and should exactly match the name in the EBI database. This name is the title of the page on OLS. Ex. for attribute species, value: NCBITaxon_9606 and species__ontology_label, value: homo sapiens. The label attribute is required for required metadata but may be left blank for optional metadata. It is recommended that users fill in this value to allow for more through validation of metadata files.

Numeric-valued metadata

Examples: organism_age, bmi

This metadata is read in by Single Cell Portal as numeric, so when it is visualized in a plot, it will be shown on a color scale instead of as a categorical variable.

Each numeric metadata value in the convention requires a corresponding unit attribute. Each study should use the same unit for all values of that attribute.

These unit attributes are named <metadata attribute>__unit and most come from an ontology whose contents can be found in the ontology column of the AMC spreadsheet. For units derived from an ontology, please include the corresponding <metadata attribute>__unit_label column in your metadata file as well. These columns contain the same information as the <attribute>__ontology_label columns (the human-readable metadata name which corresponds with the ontology ID).

Some unit metadata are not ontologies because no ontology currently exists to describe these units. In these cases, please enter a clear description of the units (ex. mg/mL).

While all values of a given unit attribute must be the same in a single study, please include the unit attribute for all rows with a value for its corresponding numeric metadata.

Boolean-valued metadata

ex. treated

Boolean valued metadata may take the values True or False and is read by Single Cell Portal as group (categorical) metadata.

Controlled-list metadata

ex. biosample_type

Some metadata attributes do not fit into existing ontologies but can be described using a limited set of categories. For this metadata, the Alexandria team has selected a controlled list of values. These metadata have type enum in the AMC spreadsheet and their possible values can be found in the controlled_list_entries column.

Free text-valued metadata

ex. vaccination__adjuvants

Some metadata attributes could not be described by existing ontologies. While Alexandria will not support direct cross-study query of this metadata, it will be useful for users to include metadata in these structured columns so these attributes can be easily compared in query results.

Metadata with complex dependencies

Some metadata concepts cannot be fully described as a single field. While Alexandria does not attempt to fully capture all relevant experimental details that one would expect to find in the methods section of a paper, some values are relevant enough for query and further analysis that they are included in this convention.

Dependent metadata

Metadata attributes that are only relevant under specific conditions which depend on other metadata values are also specified in this ontology. For example, the vaccination__time_since attribute is only relevant in the context of the vaccination attribute. The AMC spreadsheet describes these dependencies through the dependency column which includes the name of the attribute that a given row depends on, the dependency_condition column which describes, if applicable, the specific condition that must be met for the metadata attribute to be included, the dependent column which includes any attributes which directly depend on the attribute in that row, and the dependency_type column which deliminates if the dependant attribute is allowed if the dependency is included (“if”) or if the dependant attribute is required if the dependency is included (“required_if”).

The specifics of each dependency are described in the AMC spreadsheet under the attribute_description column.

Array valued metadata

ex. disease, vaccinations

For several attributes, it does not make semantic sense to only allow one value for each metadata row. While we expect that in most controlled studies, these values will contain a single entry, we chose to allow multiple values for studies investigating combinitorial effects. Even if one of the values is not of specific interest to the study, please include it if possible. Ex. a study about flu vaccines would include the flu vaccine as a value for the vaccination attribute, but if the clinical data about other vaccines is also available, these vaccinations should be included as well.

Syntax in metadata file: Array-valued metadata should be formatted as follows: ["value1""value2""value3"] or "value1""value2""value3". If the array-valued metadata only contains a single value it should still follow the same format: ex "value1" or ["value1"].

If the array-valued metadata attribute is a dependant metadata attribute, the order in the array should correspond with the order of the array the attribute depends on. For example, the following metadata entries for vaccination__ontology_label: "Influenza Virus Vaccine""BCG Vaccine", for vaccination__time_since : "1","2", and for vaccination__time_since__unit_label: "year","year" would indicate that the Influenza vaccine was recieved 1 year ago and the BCG Vaccine was recieved 2 years ago. If information is not available for one of the metadata entries in a dependant array, include an empty string("") for that value.

The AMC spreadsheet can be used as a guide in writing an Alexandria metadata file but includes more information than is necessary for this process.

See the below table for descriptions of columns in this spreadsheet that are useful in building this file: